Stock Exchange

Additional Frequency Assignment For Cellular Gsm Service Within The 900 Mhz Band By Malaysian Communications And Multimedia Commission

Back Jun 25, 2003
Type Announcement
Subject Additional Frequency Assignment for Cellular GSM Service within the 900 MHz Band by Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission

Contents :

The Board of Directors of DiGi.Com Berhad (“DiGi”) is pleased to announce that its wholly owned subsidiary, DiGi Telecommunications Sdn Bhd, has been allocated an additional 2 x 2 MHz frequency band for the enhancement of the company’s cellular GSM service by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission.

DiGi is pleased with this allocation and is currently evaluating the utilisation of this additional frequency in the introduction of a dual band 900 MHz and 1800 MHz GSM system, in line with its ongoing network planning activities. The allocation will be strategically optimised for the continued enhancement of DiGi’s product and service offerings to benefit its customers.

With this additional frequency, DiGi will effectively be able to provide dual band services that will improve DiGi's competitive position in a consolidated market. The 900 Mhz frequency band allows coverage of wider areas at a lower cost than DiGi’s existing 1800 Mhz frequency band. This will thus have a positive impact on DiGi's capital expenditure and coverage plans.

Announcement Info

Company Name DIGI.COM BERHAD  
Stock Name DIGI    
Date Announced 25 Jun 2003  
Category General Announcement
Reference No DD-030625-55461

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