Stock Exchange

Change In Boardroom

Back Nov 10, 2004
Date of change 10/11/2004
Type of change Cessation
Designation Alternate Director
Directorate Non Independent & Non Executive
Name Thor Asbjorn Halvorsen
Age 51
Nationality Norwegian
Qualifications Not Applicable
Working experience and occupation Not Applicable
Directorship of public companies (if any) Not Applicable
Family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the listed issuer Not Applicable
Details of any interest in the securities of the listed issuer or its subsidiaries Not Applicable

Remarks :
Mr Thor Asbjorn Halvorsen has ceased to be an Alternate Director to Mr Per Olav Fosse in DiGi.Com Berhad with effect from 10 November 2004.


Announcement Info

Company Name DIGI.COM BERHAD  
Stock Name DIGI    
Date Announced 10 Nov 2004  
Category Change in Boardroom
Reference No DD-041110-263D7

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