Address | Snaroyveien 30, 1331 Fornebu, Norway |
NRIC/Passport No/Company No. | 982 463 718 |
Nationality/Country of incorporation | Norway |
Descriptions (Class & nominal value) | Ordinary Shares of RM1.00 each |
Name & address of registered holder | Citicorp Nominees (Asing) Sdn Bhd 28 Medan Pasar, 50050 Kuala Lumpur |
Type of transaction | Date of change |
No of securities
Price Transacted (RM)
Others | 17/03/2004 |
Description of other type of transaction | Change of deemed interest pursuant to Section 6A of the Companies Act, 1965. |
Circumstances by reason of which change has occurred | Deemed interested by virtue of its 100% equity interest in Telenor Mobile Holding AS which in turn holds 100% equity interest in Telenor Mobile Communications AS, the holding company of Telenor Asia Pte Ltd. |
Nature of interest | Deemed interest |
Direct (units) | |
Direct (%) | |
Indirect/deemed interest (units) | 457,499,630 |
Indirect/deemed interest (%) | 61 |
Total no of securities after change | 457,499,630 |
Date of notice | 24/03/2004 |
Remarks : |
Deemed interest held through:- No. of Shares held ------------------------- Telenor Asia Pte Ltd 457,499,630 |
Company Name | DIGI.COM BERHAD |
Stock Name | DIGI |
Date Announced | 25 Mar 2004 |
Category | Changes in Substantial Shareholder's Interest Pursuant to Form 29B of the Companies Act. 1965 |
Reference No | DD-040325-29649 |