Stock Exchange

Appointment And Resignation Of Chief Financial Officer And Chief Marketing Officer

Back Oct 20, 2006
Type Announcement
Subject Appointment and Resignation of Chief Financial Officer and Chief Marketing Officer

Contents :

The Board of Directors of DiGi.Com Berhad ("DiGi") wishes to announce the resignation of Mr Johan Dennelind as DiGi Chief Financial Officer ("CFO") and in replacement thereof, Mr Stefan Carlsson will be appointed as DiGi CFO effective 1 November 2006. Mr Dennelind will be appointed as the Chief Marketing Officer ("CMO") to replace Mr Chee Pok Jin who has resigned effective 1 November 2006. Mr Dennelind has been actively involved in all marketing strategies since he joined DiGi. As DiGi CMO, his core responsibilities will include managing four key areas; customer service; marketing communications; product management and development; and sales and distribution. Mr Stefan Carlsson, currently CFO of Telenor Pakistan brings to DiGi nine years of varied experience in the telecommunication and financial sectors. He is respected for his ability to implement quality processes and build strong finance functions in competitive markets.

Announcement Info

Company Name DIGI.COM BERHAD  
Stock Name DIGI    
Date Announced 20 Oct 2006  
Category General Announcement
Reference No C&-061020-38574

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