Stock Exchange

Capital Repayment Of RM0.75 Per Ordinary Share Of RM1.00 Each In Digi To The Shareholders Of Digi Via A Reduction Of The Share Capital Of Digi Pursuant To Section 64 Of The Companies Act, 1965 (Capital Repayment)

Back May 11, 2006
Type Announcement
Subject DiGi.Com Berhad (DiGi or Company)
Capital repayment of RM0.75 per ordinary share of RM1.00 each in DiGi to the shareholders of DiGi via a reduction of the share capital of DiGi pursuant to Section 64 of the Companies Act, 1965 (Capital Repayment)

Contents :

Further to the announcements dated 19 and 21 April 2006 in relation to the Capital Repayment, on behalf of the Board of Directors of DiGi, Southern Investment Bank Berhad is pleased to announce that the order of the High Court of Malaya confirming the Capital Repayment will be lodged with the Registrar of Companies on 15 May 2006. Accordingly, the reduction of the par value of the ordinary shares of DiGi from RM1.00 per share to RM0.25 per share pursuant to the Capital Repayment will take effect on 15 May 2006. Shareholders of the Company should note that the Capital Repayment does not affect the number of the ordinary shares held by all shareholders of the Company.

Barring any unforeseen circumstances, the cheque payments for the Capital Repayment are expected to be despatched to the entitled shareholders on 18 May 2006.

This announcement is dated 11 May 2006.

Announcement Info

Company Name DIGI.COM BERHAD  
Stock Name DIGI    
Date Announced 11 May 2006  
Category General Announcement
Reference No MI-060511-33443

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