Stock Exchange

Placement Of Approximately 76.5 Million Ordinary Shares Of RM0.10 Each In Digi.Com Berhad ("Digi", Or "The Company") ("Digi Shares") By Telenor Asia Pte Ltd ("Telenor") Representing About 10.2% Equity Interest In Digi

Back Nov 15, 2007
Type Announcement
Subject Placement of approximately 76.5 million ordinary shares of RM0.10 each in DiGi.COM Berhad ("DiGi", or "the Company") ("DiGi Shares") by Telenor Asia Pte Ltd ("Telenor") representing about 10.2% equity interest in DiGi

Contents :

The Company wishes to announce that it has been informed by its major shareholder, Telenor, that Telenor had on 14 November 2007 placed out approximately 76.5 million DiGi Shares at RM 21.5 per share through a book-building process in Malaysia via its appointed placement agents, namely CIMB Investment Bank Berhad and JPMorgan Securities (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd. The transaction will be undertaken via Direct Business Transaction to be executed today and will complete in accordance with market rules, practices and procedures.

Upon the completion of the placement exercise, the shareholdings of Telenor in DiGi will reduce from its current approximately 457.5 million DiGi Shares representing about 61.0% equity interest in DiGi to approximately 381.0 million DiGi Shares representing about 50.8% equity interest in DiGi.

Further, subject to, amongst others, DiGi entering into a definitive agreement, the relevant approvals being obtained and upon the implementation of the proposed alliance that involves the issue of 27.5 million new DiGi Shares, the details of which were announced on Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad on 13 and 14 November 2007, the equity interest of Telenor in DiGi will further reduce to 49%.

This announcement is dated 15 November 2007.

Announcement Info

Company Name DIGI.COM BERHAD  
Stock Name DIGI    
Date Announced 15 Nov 2007  
Category General Announcement
Reference No CC-071115-41110

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