Stock Exchange

Resignation Of Chief Marketing Officer

Back Aug 01, 2007
Type Announcement
Subject DiGi.Com Berhad ("DiGi" or "the Company")
Resignation of Chief Marketing Officer

Contents :

The Board of Directors of DiGi.Com Berhad ("DiGi") wishes to inform that Mr Johan Dennelind has tendered his resignation as DiGi's Chief Marketing Officer and his resignation will be effective from 17 August 2007.

In the interim, Mr Albern Murty and Mr Loong Tuck Weng are appointed as Co-Head of Marketing.

This announcement is dated 1 August 2007.

Announcement Info

Company Name DIGI.COM BERHAD  
Stock Name DIGI    
Date Announced 1 Aug 2007  
Category General Announcement
Reference No C&-070801-54272

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