Stock Exchange

Change in Chief Executive Officer

Back Feb 12, 2008
Date of change 01/04/2008
Type of change Appointment
Age 38
Nationality Swedish
Qualifications Master of Science in Business Administration from University of Orebro, Sweden
Working experience and occupation Mr Johan Eric Dennelind was previously the Chief Financial Officer ("CFO") and Chief Marketing Officer ("CMO") of DiGi.Com Berhad Group from 2004-2007 and has extensive knowledge and experience about DiGi's operations. He is currently the CMO of Telenor Sweden.

Mr Dennelind has wide experience in the telecommunications industry. Prior to the above, he was the CFO and Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Telenor AB and Director of International Business Development for the Nextra Group.
Directorship of public companies (if any) Nil
Family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the listed issuer Nil
Details of any interest in the securities of the listed issuer or its subsidiaries Nil

Remarks :
Mr Johan Eric Dennelind's appointment as Chief Executive Officer of DiGi.Com Berhad Group will be effective 1 April 2008. This appointment is to replace Mr Morten Lundal, the current Chief Executive Officer, whose assignment contract from Telenor to DiGi is expiring soon and Mr Lundal has chosen to pursue new opportunities outside of the Telenor Group.


Announcement Info

Company Name DIGI.COM BERHAD  
Stock Name DIGI    
Date Announced 12 Feb 2008  
Category Change in Chief Executive Officer
Reference No CC-080211-3CD15

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