Stock Exchange

Appointment and Resignation of Chief Financial Officer

Back Jul 20, 2010
Type Announcement
Subject DiGi.Com Berhad
- Appointment and Resignation of Chief Financial Officer
Contents The Board of Directors of DiGi.Com Berhad ("DiGi") wishes to announce the resignation of Mr Stefan Carlsson as DiGi Chief Financial Officer ("CFO") and in replacement thereof, Mr Terje Borge will be appointed as DiGi CFO effective 2 August 2010.

Mr Terje Borge has served as CFO of DTAC in Thailand for the past three years, following several executive roles in Telenor Asia and Telenor International Mobile in his 10 years of service with Telenor Group. Prior to joining Telenor, he held senior positions in Corporate Development and Finance & Strategy at Dyno Industrier ASA.

He holds a Master of Science in Business Administration from the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration.

Mr Borge has great skills and experience in finance and a deep understanding of the Asian mobile telecommunications industry.

This announcement is dated 20 July 2010.


Announcement Info

Company Name DIGI.COM BERHAD  
Stock Name DIGI    
Date Announced 20 Jul 2010  
Category General Announcement
Reference No CC-100720-34646

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