Type of Meeting | General |
Indicator | Notice of Meeting |
Description |
CELCOMDIGI BERHAD (formerly known as Digi.Com Berhad) - Notice of 26th Annual General Meeting ("26th AGM") The 26th AGM will be conducted virtually through livestreaming and online voting via the Remote Participation and Electronic Voting facilities. |
Date of Meeting | 23 May 2023 |
Time | 10:00 AM |
Venue(s) |
Auditorium, Level Podium 6, Menara CelcomDigi No. 6, Persiaran Barat, Seksyen 52 46200 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia |
Date of General Meeting Record of Depositors | 16 May 2023 |
Resolutions |
1. For Information |
Description |
To receive the Audited Financial Statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2022 together with the Reports of the Directors and Auditors thereon. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Information Only |
2. Ordinary Resolution 1 |
Description |
To re-elect Ms Vimala V.R. Menon who retires pursuant to Article 98(A) of the Company's Articles of Association and being eligible, offers herself for re-election. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting |
3. Ordinary Resolution 2 |
Description |
To re-elect Tengku Dato' Sri Azmil Zahruddin Raja Abdul Aziz who retires pursuant to Article 98(E) of the Company's Articles of Association and being eligible, offers himself for re-election. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting |
4. Ordinary Resolution 3 |
Description |
To re-elect Mr Jørgen Christian Arentz Rostrup who retires pursuant to Article 98(E) of the Company's Articles of Association and being eligible, offers himself for re-election. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting |
5. Ordinary Resolution 4 |
Description |
To re-elect Dr. Shridhir Sariputta Hansa Wijayasuriya who retires pursuant to Article 98(E) of the Company's Articles of Association and being eligible, offers himself for re-election. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting |
6. Ordinary Resolution 5 |
Description |
To re-elect Mr Vivek Sood who retires pursuant to Article 98(E) of the Company's Articles of Association and being eligible, offers himself for re-election. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting |
7. Ordinary Resolution 6 |
Description |
To re-elect Ms Rita Skjaervik who retires pursuant to Article 98(E) of the Company's Articles of Association and being eligible, offers herself for re-election. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting |
8. Ordinary Resolution 7 |
Description |
To re-elect Tan Sri Abdul Farid Alias who retires pursuant to Article 98(E) of the Company's Articles of Association and being eligible, offers himself for re-election. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting |
9. Ordinary Resolution 8 |
Description |
To re-elect Puan Khatijah Shah Mohamed who retires pursuant to Article 98(E) of the Company's Articles of Association and being eligible, offers herself for re-election. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting |
10. Ordinary Resolution 9 |
Description |
To approve the payment of Directors' fees of up to RM2,250,000 and benefits payable of up to RM110,000 to the Non-Executive Directors with effect from 23 May 2023 until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Company. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting |
11. Ordinary Resolution 10 |
Description |
To re-appoint Ernst & Young PLT as Auditors of the Company for the financial year ending 31 December 2023 and to authorise the Directors to fix their remuneration. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting |
12. Ordinary Resolution 11 |
Description |
Proposed Renewal of Existing Shareholders' Mandate for Recurrent Related Party Transactions of a Revenue or Trading Nature between CelcomDigi Berhad (formerly known as Digi.Com Berhad) and its subsidiaries ("CelcomDigi Group") and Telenor ASA and its subsidiaries (Proposed Renewal of Shareholders' Mandate 1) |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting |
13. Ordinary Resolution 12 |
Description |
Proposed Renewal of Existing Shareholders' Mandate for Recurrent Related Party Transactions of a Revenue or Trading Nature between CelcomDigi Group and Axiata Group Berhad and its subsidiaries (Proposed Renewal of Shareholders' Mandate 2) |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting |
14. Ordinary Resolution 13 |
Description |
Proposed Renewal of Existing Shareholders' Mandate for Recurrent Related Party Transactions of a Revenue or Trading Nature between CelcomDigi Group and Khazanah Nasional Berhad and its related entities (Proposed Renewal of Shareholders' Mandate 3) |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting |
15. Ordinary Resolution 14 |
Description |
Proposed Renewal of Existing Shareholders' Mandate for Recurrent Related Party Transactions of a Revenue or Trading Nature between CelcomDigi Group and Digital Nasional Berhad (Proposed Renewal of Shareholders' Mandate 4) |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting |
16. Ordinary Resolution 15 |
Description |
Proposed Renewal of Existing Shareholders' Mandate for Recurrent Related Party Transactions of a Revenue or Trading Nature between CelcomDigi Group and Telekom Malaysia Berhad and its subsidiaries (Proposed Renewal of Shareholders' Mandate 5) |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting |
17. Special Resolution |
Description |
Proposed Adoption of New Constitution of the Company (Proposed Adoption) |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting |
Please refer attachment below.
Stock Name | CDB |
Date Announced | 20 Apr 2023 |
Category | General Meeting |
Reference Number | GMA-17042023-00025 |
Corporate Action ID | MY230417MEET0024 |