Stock Exchange

General Meetings: Outcome Of Meeting

Back May 18, 2021
Type of Meeting General
Indicator Outcome of Meeting
Date of Meeting 18 May 2021
Time 10:00 AM

Studio, Digi Telecommunications Sdn Bhd

Lot 10, Jalan Delima 1/1

Subang Hi-Tech Industrial Park

40000 Subang Jaya, Selangor

Outcome of Meeting

The Board of Directors of Digi.Com Berhad ("the Company") wishes to announce that all the resolutions set out in the Twenty-Fourth Annual General Meeting ("24th AGM") dated 18 May 2021 were duly passed by the shareholders of the Company at the 24th AGM held today.


All the resolutions were approved by way of poll via remote participation and electronic voting facility. The results of the poll were validated by Sky Corporate Services Sdn Bhd, the Independent Scrutineer appointed by the Company.


The details of the results of the poll are set out below.


This announcement is dated 18 May 2021.

Voting Results

1. Ordinary Resolution 1


To re-elect Ms Yasmin Binti Aladad Khan who retires by rotation pursuant to Article 98(A) of the Company's Articles of Association and being eligible, has offered herself for re-election.

Shareholder’s Action For Voting
Voted For Against
No. of Shareholders 1,346 201
No. of Shares 6,827,739,348 140,227,073
% of Voted Shares 97.9875 2.0125
Result Accepted

2. Ordinary Resolution 2


To re-elect Ms Randi Wiese Heirung who retires pursuant to Article 98(E) of the Company's Articles of Association and being eligible, has offered herself for re-election.

Shareholder’s Action For Voting
Voted For Against
No. of Shareholders 1,250 303
No. of Shares 6,825,695,023 142,278,398
% of Voted Shares 97.9581 2.0419
Result Accepted

3. Ordinary Resolution 3


To re-elect Ms Wenche Marie Agerup who retires pursuant to Article 98(E) of the Company's Articles of Association and being eligible, has offered herself for re-election.

Shareholder’s Action For Voting
Voted For Against
No. of Shareholders 1,179 369
No. of Shares 6,670,261,677 297,710,634
% of Voted Shares 95.7274 4.2726
Result Accepted

4. Ordinary Resolution 4


To approve the payment of Directors' fees of up to RM900,000.00 for the Independent Non-Executive Directors and benefits payable to the Directors up to an aggregate amount of RM16,000.00 from the date of the forthcoming 24th AGM until the next AGM of the Company.

Shareholder’s Action For Voting
Voted For Against
No. of Shareholders 1,318 218
No. of Shares 6,967,661,586 135,815
% of Voted Shares 99.9981 0.0019
Result Accepted

5. Ordinary Resolution 5


To re-appoint Messrs. Ernst & Young PLT as Auditors of the Company and to authorise the Directors to fix their remuneration.

Shareholder’s Action For Voting
Voted For Against
No. of Shareholders 1,366 173
No. of Shares 6,920,551,811 47,415,090
% of Voted Shares 99.3195 0.6805
Result Accepted

6. Ordinary Resolution 6


Proposed Renewal of Existing Shareholders' Mandate for Recurrent Related Party Transactions of a Revenue or Trading Nature, to be entered with Telenor ASA (Telenor) and Persons Connected with Telenor.

Shareholder’s Action For Voting
Voted For Against
No. of Shareholders 1,407 129
No. of Shares 3,158,148,885 67,216
% of Voted Shares 99.9979 0.0021
Result Accepted

7. Special Resolution


Proposed Amendments to the Articles of Association of the Company.

Shareholder’s Action For Voting
Voted For Against
No. of Shareholders 1,408 130
No. of Shares 6,967,892,097 76,004
% of Voted Shares 99.9989 0.0011
Result Accepted

Announcement Info

Stock Name DIGI
Date Announced 18 May 2021
Category General Meeting
Reference Number GMA-18052021-00012
Corporate Action ID MY210518MEET0008

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